Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Here To Help

The recent Presidential election has made one thing clear; people need jobs that can support their families. There are jobs available today but they may not be a good fit for you. Lots of low-paying, part-time, no benefits jobs are out there. The same is true of jobs that require very high levels of education and experience. Most people can't make either scenario work for them. Starting a business might be a good choice for you. I want to help you make it happen by sharing my experiences and the experiences of other "start-from-scratch" business people.

I've started several businesses that all ended in failure (so far), but I've had enough success to know that it is possible. I want people to learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of people like me, in addition to the methods of success from business owners who have made it work. There are many benefits to owning a business, even if it is just a part-time thing run from your kitchen table. It's not easy but it's probably not as difficult as you might think!

Ask questions, offer suggestions, and help turn many people into their own bosses.

Chris Ward

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