Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Take What You Can Get

Unless you have venture capital investors or a huge nest egg in the bank, running a new business is very difficult financially. Nobody was backing eCommerce businesses in 1993 so I did various things to keep food on the table; mostly jobs that were temporary and flexible so I could still concentrate on building the business.

This time of year is good for those short-term jobs. Retailers need help for Christmas now, and again for inventory in January. Craigslist is a good resource for flexible jobs throughout the year. Check out the "gigs" section.

It's tempting to take a full-time job and try to get your business going at the same time but it's almost impossible. I tried that for six months, working an 8 to 5 job with a one-hour commute each way. There just wasn't enough time or energy for both. My wife took a lower-paying job that was closer to home so I could focus on the business. That, and the odd jobs, carried us through until things really took off - about a year and a half in. It's hard, but stick with it. You can do it!

A great part-time job is couponing. Saving money is much more fun than earning it! Visit Paper Saver Coupons to help support your family and mine. Thanks!


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