Monday, November 12, 2012

Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

With a nod to "Galaxy Quest", the title of this post has become my personal motto. I chose it because, too often, I've done both. Failure is my teacher and I've learned a lot! What I've learned most though is you can't define yourself by your past mistakes, or even who and where you are at this moment.

You are not your job, your education, your bank account or who others judge you to be. You are a unique individual, with a history of experience and talents that are (tapped or untapped) not duplicated on Earth. If you are hurting financially, it's hard to keep this in mind, but you must.

Others want you to see yourself as weak and incapable. Schadenfreude (pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others) is one motive. Most people use it to take advantage of you - especially employers. It gives them the upper-hand in: salary and benefits negotiation, workload they demand of you, time commitment to the job, and your likelihood to seek out a better job. Don't give in to it. See yourself as unique and valuable, because you are. The people who really matter in your life already know this, so turn to them when you forget.

One way to remind yourself of your value is to start thinking of yourself as your true boss. You may be out of work or working for others, but you are the boss of your life. Own it. You are boss! You make the calls when it comes to your life - nobody else. You are your own employer, motivational coach, relationship manager and determiner of your destiny. When fear kicks in, remind yourself that you have the power. Stand tall and confident knowing that everything in your life is ultimately in your control. Try it. It feels great!

Never give up, never surrender!


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